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GO-GREENOVATECreative Workshop forDILWL Co-work Space

HKDI recently welcomed the Creator-in-Residence (CIR) team from Thats Yum Ltd. to conduct a series of workshops focused on sustainable living. The CIRs, who are behind the creation of Rooot HK, a restaurant and multi-purpose space that promotes sustainable and healthy lifestyles, worked closely with staff and students from several programmes including HD in Interior Design, Architectural Design, Illustration, Visual Communication, Fashion Design, Creative Media, and more.

The workshop aimed to explore possibilities for the co-work space's use cases, design, and operational model, all while utilizing upcycled materials to prototype designs in the space. The workshop consisted of five stages, which involved empathizing and defining the problem, ideation, prototyping, production, and public engagement and feedback. The students shared their design expertise and underwent a co-creation process that integrated HKDI's learning and teaching methodologies with design thinking and project-based learning.

The workshop was a success, and we hope to continue promoting sustainable living and innovation in the future. We believe that through such workshops, we can create a better future by promoting environmentally-friendly innovation and learning.

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